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Evaluators (f/m/d) for West-Bank/Palestine – Support and inclusion of children with complex disabilities and learning difficulties

Kindermissionswerk 'Die Sternsinger' e.V. (KMW)


Angebotsfrist: offen 

With the help of 85 employees and financial support from KMW since many years the Christian NGO offers
comprehensive services for people with learning difficulties and complex disabilities from early childhood to
adulthood: Diagnostics, medical rehabilitation, early intervention, a special kindergarten, as well as a special
school for children aged 6-16 years, therapies, home visitation program, vocational training and work in
sheltered workshops, courses and self-help groups for parents of affected children. The NGO campaigns for the
rights of people with disabilities by raising awareness, educating parents and lobbying the authorities. The
partner also endeavours to make people with disabilities more visible in society and improve their image
through the various components of its work.

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Evaluation of a child rights project in India

Kindermissionswerk 'Die Sternsinger' e.V.


Angebotsfrist: offen

In a resettlement colony of slum dwellers from Delhi, the local catholic organisation uses a child rights-based approach to run a "Young Leaders" programme to empower and strengthen children to stand up for their interests and demand their rights in a development-promoting environment. Activities include the formation and strengthening of children's and youth parliaments, the establishment and maintenance of centres for the holistic development of children, awareness-raising and training on children's rights, networking on children's and youth issues and crisis management in case of need.

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