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Aligning Education and Training with Labour Market Needs – ALLED Phase II
Angebotsfrist: 27.12.2024
The project “Aligning Education and Training with Labour Market Needs – ALLED Phase II” (in further text ALLED2)” is funded by the EU, as a part of IPAII (2017) for Kosovo with co-funding by the Austrian Development Cooperation. According to the IPA 2017 financing decision project is implemented by Austrian Development Agency (ADA) via Indirect Management (IM).
Evaluation of a child rights project in India
Angebotsfrist: offen
In a resettlement colony of slum dwellers from Delhi, the local catholic organisation uses a child rights-based approach to run a "Young Leaders" programme to empower and strengthen children to stand up for their interests and demand their rights in a development-promoting environment. Activities include the formation and strengthening of children's and youth parliaments, the establishment and maintenance of centres for the holistic development of children, awareness-raising and training on children's rights, networking on children's and youth issues and crisis management in case of need.