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DeGEval recommendations

for education and training in evaluation
for those commissioning evaluations
for standards in self-evaluation

Requirements for evaluators

Orientation for education and training in evaluation - first revision 2023

The new requirements profile for evaluators was adopted last year at the members' meeting in Magdeburg. It replaces the “Recommendations for training and further education in evaluation” from 2004.

After many years of content-related work by an ad hoc group, the text has been made ready for publication over the past few months in coordination between the Professionalization Working Group, the Executive Board and the head office. Final proofreading has been carried out and an attractive and professional design has been developed in the DeGEval style.

We are pleased that the requirements in the new design are now available for download on our website. A print version will be available at the 2024 annual conference in Potsdam and can also be obtained from our office at any time.

Read the brochure online now:

Anforderungen an Evaluierende - Orientierung für die Aus- und Weiterbildung in der Evaluation - Erste Revision 2023 (PDF)

The requirements for evaluators (see above) have replaced the original requirements profile from 2004. For research purposes, however, we are happy to provide you with the first version of the “Recommendations for basic and further training in evaluation” for download here:

Read the original version online:

Empfehlungen für Aus- und Weiterbildung in der Evaluation. Anforderungsprofile für Evaluatorinnen und Evaluatoren (PDF)

Recommendations for those commissioning evaluations

An introductory brochure for the public administration sector

The “Recommendations for commissioners of evaluations” represent a further building block in DeGEval's efforts to achieve a sustainable professionalization of evaluation.

With the “Recommendations for those commissioning evaluations”, DeGEval is specifically addressing organizations and public administration institutions such as regional authorities, public corporations, publicly funded institutions, churches and foundations.

The target group are those people who are responsible for, monitor, develop or implement measures in their organizations, but who have had little opportunity to familiarize themselves with the instrument of evaluation and gain their own experience. DeGEval would like to encourage this group of people to make use of the instrument of evaluation and to use it when it comes to giving account or learning from previous processes.

Read the brochure online:

Empfehlungen für Auftraggebende von Evaluationen. Eine Einstiegsbroschüre für den Bereich der Öffentlichen Verwaltung (PDF)

You can order a print version at a price of €5.00 plus postage by sending an e-mail to

Recommendations for applying the standards for evaluation in the field of self-evaluation


Evaluation must meet high quality standards. For this reason, DeGEval has emphatically pointed out the need for professionalization in evaluation, not least in its recommendations on education and training in evaluation.

At the same time, DeGEval recognizes that evaluation in some fields of practice - particularly social work and schools - is often carried out in the form of self-evaluations or is accompanied by self-evaluations. Self-evaluations are carried out to a not inconsiderable extent by people who have little or no training in the theory and methods of evaluation - self-evaluations are often combined with the aim of qualifying the actors in their original field of action. Self-evaluation has a number of special features that require a weighting of individual aspects with regard to the standards for evaluation; in particular those relating to the role of the evaluator and the specific requirements that can be derived from this.

In order to clarify these particularities, DeGEval - Gesellschaft für Evaluation has developed, adopted and published recommendations for the application of evaluation standards in the field of self-evaluation.

Read the brochure online:

Empfehlungen zur Anwendung der Standards für Evaluation im Handlungsfeld der Selbstevaluation (PDF)

You can order a print version for a nominal fee of € 3.00 plus postage by sending an e-mail to