in the Journal of Evaluation (ZfEv)
Each issue of the Journal of Evaluation contains the DeGEval...Info section, for which the DeGEval Board is responsible.
DeGEval...Info is primarily a forum for the DeGEval Board and working groups to report on their work within DeGEval. In exceptional cases, reports from individual members are also possible.
Responsibility for the content of DeGEval...Info lies with the DeGEval Board. Angela Wroblewski is currently the Board's contact person for potential contributors to DeGEval...Info.
Contributions for DeGEval...Info can comprise up to eight printed pages, i.e. a maximum of 25,000 characters (including spaces).
Submissions can be sent to Angela Wroblewski (wroblewski@
org) or the DeGEval office (info
org) on an ongoing basis.