of the 26th DeGEval Annual Conference 2023 in Magdeburg
The role of equality data for policy making and monitoring

Rossalina Latcheva is currently Head of the Anti-Racism and Non-Discrimination Sector in the Equality, Roma and Social Rights Unit of the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA). Her areas of expertise with respect to FRA's work include equality and non-discrimination, including the collection and use of equality data; racism, xenophobia and related intolerance; integration & inclusion; gender-based violence; and mixed methods research. She is experienced in developing, collecting and analyzing primary and secondary survey data, as well as in applying and mixing diverse quantitative and qualitative research methodologies.
Prior to joining the FRA, she held a university post-doctoral position at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, and was a lecturer at the University of Vienna, Austria. She holds a PhD in sociology and has published a number of articles, book chapters and reports on integration, national and European identity, ethnic exclusion and mixed methods research.
Abstract (PDF)